1 Month

(A little late on the post, sorry)
 Vida is one month old!!! How is this possible? I swear I just brought her home from the hospital a few days ago. I hope to be able to track her growth with my chalkboard so you can all watch my little Vida grow...
May/24-- June/24 she weighed 6pds 10oz at birth and was 19in.
  • She enjoys bath time so much she lays there and looks around we even use the shower head on gentle and we rinse her tummy and legs she loves it.

  • Falling asleep in daddy's arms while I cook dinner is her thing, I catch them both snoozing sometimes. Melts my marshmallow heart!!!

  • Listening to music helps her fall asleep, I use to place headphones on my belly when I was pregnant and I think it would relax her. I could feel her moving in there like crazy around 10pm, I would play classical music and she would relax and not kick me...I miss those days. 

  •   Sleeps for three hours,eats for 30-40 Minutes of course falls asleep while eating all the time:)     
  •   Loves to be swaddled, sleeps in her bassinet next to us in our room
She loves looking out the window

Large Pink Bow

This dress is size newborn...it doesn't fit anymore :(

My brown-eyed girl

Tutu: Candice Santos on Etsy



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