Happy Fall

Yay!! Fall is here. You know what that means? Football, PSL's, crisp cool weather,roasting marshmallows,hoodies and fleece pants!!! 

Except here in sunny Florida, we get summer weather until January, even then, you can still find Floridians wearing flip flips. Oh well, I'm closing the blinds, cranking the AC, bringing out my Fall decor, going to tailgate at one of the Miami Dolphins games, and sharing this delicious Fall snack with you all. 

Popcorn, chocolate and Pumpkin Spice flavored M&M's. Fall in a bowl. :) 

-Microwave Popcorn 
-Chocolate Chips
-M&M'S or other toppings. 

Pop your popcorn, melt your chocolate chips in a saucepan until it forms into a liquid. Place popcorn in a large bowl,drizzle melted chocolate using  a fork and add M&M'S (other toppings) and mix and enjoy!! It's Finger Lickin' Good!! 

I leave you with Fall-ish photos. 

        Vida in her Dolphin gear!! 

     Chalkboard Utensil Holder: Target 

Owl candle holder and Frame from Homegoods. Bought last year on clearance. Need to put a photo of Vida inside. 

Happy Fall to you all. 



  1. Omg, she looks so cute in her dolphins gear! And I am so stealing that Fall snack!

    1. Thank you! We are a big dolphin fan!
      Yes!!! Go right ahead. Let me know how it tastes :)
      Pinterest has a gazillion popcorn recepies.
      Happy Fall to you!!!!

  2. SO cute in her football attire :) I need that popcorn like right now!

    Hello Newlywed Life Blog


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