Saint Martin//Veterans Day & Remembrance Day


November, 11th was Saint Martin's Day here in Germany. We made a little lantern at home out of a plastic water bottle, black paper and starfish shaped hold punches. 
Saint Martin was a Roman soldier who later was baptized and became a monk, he was known to be a sweet and kind man who helped the poor. 
We walked through our town and a man dressed at Saint Martin on horseback led the procession. 
Children had lanterns they made in school and parents joined in as well. The whole street was illuminated. When we arrived to the center of the city there was a huge bonfire and we all ate delicious "Martinshörnchen" a pastry shaped in the form of a croissant, which symbolizes the hooves of St. Martin's horse. Nobody could tell me why the children had lanterns but some said that the lanterns symbolize the light that holiness brings to the darkness, just as St. Martin brought hope to the poor with his kind heart.
I'm so happy we get to participate in fun events such as this with our new friends here in Germany. 

We also wore our poppies to remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Canada, USA and in the UK. 
We also thanked our Veterans and our very special veteran, our hero, husband and father. Thank you for serving and protecting our country. 


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